Surviving the airport

Also known as " how long is my layover?!" As you prepare to travel internationally you will soon realize that there is no such thing as a direct flight from Des Moines to your destination. When I applied to study in Hong Kong I had no idea that the city I'd end up fixating on in my travels was Los Angeles (LA). I can only shake my head in amazed disbelief at the fact that I have had two twenty-plus hour layovers in LA. Layovers, security, and the airplane rides themselves are all things that lie between you and your destination. Below are some lessons and observations I have gleaned from my travels that will hopefully help you get through the different ordeals and survive the airport. Packing your carry-on The sad truth is that regardless of how well thought out and carefully packed your suitcase is, the very first thing you do once beginning your journey is to say goodbye to your suitcase at the check-in counter. From there on out you must rely...