There's no Thanksgiving here but I am still thankful

I have experienced so many new things this year.  I have met many people, some who are likely to be life-long friends.  I have gained greater appreciation for what I have at home.  The list goes on.

But what strikes me as I sit here, five and a half months into my journey, is that I have been able to make it this far.  I have battled with medical conditions for years which, while not controlling my life, have definitely shaped it.  I've been able to sleep on a dorm bed for months, to walk up and down flights of stairs each day, to spend an entire day out with friends, to battle homesickness and win, to successfully be a student despite the possible difficulties everyday life presents.  A few years ago I canceled a study abroad trip because I knew that at the time I would physically not make it.  I am so thankful that I have reached a point in my life where I am able to travel and experience so many new things.  I am so thankful for where I am at the moment, more than just geographically. 

This experience has emphasized for me the improvements I have made over the last few years.  Thank you, past me, for getting us here. 


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